The North Stradbroke Museum on Minjerribah has installed its first new exhibition for 2020. “Figuring Minjerribah” paints a picture of the current society and economy of Minjerribah/North Stradbroke Island.
Residents and visitors frequently ask questions about the Island – how many people live here; what do people do; how is the Island changing and so on. The exhibition uses public and verified data – the Census, tax statistics and so forth – to provide some answers.
The information is fascinating and far from obvious. Especially comparisons between the townships and between Minjerribah, other Bay Islands and the mainland. Between 2001 and 2016 the population of the Southern Moreton Bay Islands increased by over 4 per cent per year. The total population of Minjerribah has been more or less static for the last three censuses and is lower than in 2001.
The Aboriginal population of Minjerribah has increased and the non-Aboriginal fallen. A fifth (20 per cent)of those who live on Minjerribah are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander compared with 4 per cent for Queensland as a whole and 2.3 per cent for Redland City..
There are big differences between the three Island townships. Goompi/Dunwich is the place for children and young people; Moolomma/Pt Lookout and Pulan Pulan/Amity Point for seniors. The growth in holiday homes and rentals is marked by big increases in the number of dwellings that are employ at the June census dates.
By 2016, tourism was the largest industry followed by mining and with health and construction not far behind. Considerably more people on Minjerribah are working and fewer are unemployed than on the Southern Moreton Bay Islands; even so employment levels are below the mainland. Tax figures show that the average mean income on the Island is less than half that in the richest locality in Queensland.
There is much more information in the exhibition on view at the NSIMM in Welsby Street, Goompi/Dunwich. A booklet with the entire information that can be purchased as a hard copy.